Starting from humble beginnings in 2012, in a small 4×4 shed, shared with 2 other Community groups at the Drouin Country Club, with only 10 members, we have come along way!
Our initial formation came through help from the Drouin Rotary Club and the Warragul Community House. Without their help, dedication, direction and initial funding we would never have got off the ground, let alone be where we are today.
Our membership today is much like it was back in 2012. Members come from all walks of life. Accountants, Butchers, Builders, Farmers, Bus Drivers, Business owners, Mechanics, Public Servants etc. You name it, we have it! Even Doctors & Pharmacists have graced our Shed membership. Some members still have a job on the side and fill in some of their spare time at the Shed.

Today we have 80 members and are housed in a huge 480m2 Shed, on the grounds of the Drouin Country Club. We have recently added a large machining/metalworking Workshop with new equipment and plenty of space to weld, shape and machine a number of varied projects.
We have a room for Computer enthusiasts of all kinds. Whether it be just “surfing the net”, setting up an email account, navigating around Facebook or rebuilding a computer!
We also have several members who have taken up 3D printing. We get together and share our creations and are happy to help out anyone who would like to try it out – we have a 3D printer in the Computer Room.
Some of our members are Model Train enthusiasts and over several years have built a stunning layout in the “Train Room” room to enjoy.
We have an Audio-visual room, a large Kitchen area, used for our morning tea and specially organised luncheons. There’s also a quiet room if we just want to chill and relax. Well, it’s not so quiet on Tuesdays. A group of our Shedders are keen to play darts. The weekly competition there is a highlight of the day for those men.