Policy & Procedures

Below are the Drouin Men’s Shed policy and procedures.


Due to the need to protect the shed and you as a member NO Tools or Machinery is to be used until you have been certified in the use thereof.

It does not matter if you have used Tools and Machinery before this Rule must be followed.

The certification procedure is carried out by one of our trained members.

Should you wish to use any equipment please approach an Executive and they will have the training carried out and certification noted after which you will be free to use that item.

The training is not horrendous and the trainer will keep it simple to ensure you understand and know how to safely make use of the equipment.

Drouin Men’s Shed Safety

Remember your personal safety & those around you IS YOUR RESPONSIBLITY

OHS Responsibilities

One of our major objectives of the Shed is to ensure, as far as is practical, that Staff, Members, Visitors, Employees & the Community do not suffer injury or illness as a result of activities at the Shed.

It is important that every person act in a responsible manner to ensure their own & the Safety of others!!

Purpose of Induction & Acceptance Agreement

A responsibility of all members of the Shed, new or existing is that they MUST participate in & complete the Shed’s induction Program.

Therefore, all new members MUST be inducted prior to undertaking any activity within the Shed.

The purpose of the induction is to –

  • Provide information & advice about the operation of the Shed.
    Inform all members of their obligations & responsibilities under OH & S whilst in & around the Shed.
  • Ensure the Shed’s Management Group is satisfied that ALL members have a thorough level of understanding about the operation of the shed.
  • Require all members to participate in the induction program every 12 months from their first date of induction.
  • Keep a record of a member’s induction details, such as their name & date of induction.

Fire/Emergency Procedures

The Management Group of the Shed has a legal responsibility to ensure that Fire Drills (practice drills) are undertaken at regular times relating to: –

  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Bomb threat
  • Building Collapse
  • Spills
  • Contamination

As such, unannounced fire & evacuation drills will be conducted a number of times during the year by the FIRE WARDEN to establish the effectiveness of the shed fire & evacuation procedures.

It is therefore Mandatory for all members & other persons who are in the Shed & present during a fire drill to participate in the drill & fully cooperate with the evacuation procedures.

Members/Visitors in the Shed building, or area, in an Emergency MUST follow emergency arrangements & instructions as displayed at the entrance, within the Shed and/or directions of the FIRE WARDEN or PRESIDENT.


Prior to leaving the Shed each member is required to clean their work area to ensure that a safe, controlled environment remains for others.

Fire Equipment

The Shed has the following Fire extinguishers located within the building. Including a fire blanket in the Kitchen area. These items will be pointed out to you during the induction & walk around.

Building Evacuation

It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the “Emergency Evacuation Plan” located at the entrance of shed, outlining the steps to be taken in the event of an Evacuation.

The Fire Warden or President will direct & guide you to the nearest exit.

The “Emergency Assembly Point” is at the Rotunda/BBQ area at the left side of the car park.  This is where you need to assemble so that a head count can be conducted by the Fire Warden or President whose role it is to ensure all persons are out of the building & to call 000

Medical Emergencies

If an Emergency is observed, you must:

Advise the President or the First Aider on site who will determine the appropriate course of action.
Dial 000 if an Ambulance is required
Follow the instructions of the President or the First Aider.

First Aid

A list of First Aiders is on the Notice Board located in the “Smoko Room”.

When the shed is open for use, there shall be in attendance a person or persons who are suitably trained to Level 2 first aid.

A First Aid Kit & a Defibrillator are located in the Shed, these items will be pointed out to you during your induction walk around.


Smoking is not permitted in any part of the Shed’s buildings.


Alcohol is not permitted to be consumed in any part of the Shed’s buildings

Medication or Social Drugs

Consumption of any non-prescribed substance that can cause of mental or physical capabilities cannot be permitted in the Shed environment.


Safe Working Practices
Workshop Safety
Members are reminded that some general safety practices can prevent many minor accidents as well as potentially serious slips or falls, these include –

  • Keep Floors & work surfaces clean
  • Keep doors & passageways clear for safe & easy access.
  • Use the right tool for the Job.
  • Check tools & equipment before use. If they appear faulty, do not use them.
  • Tag them and report the fault to the person in charge or nominated person.
  • Know the purpose of each tool& use it for that purpose only.
  • Wear appropriate protective gear.
  • Keep pathways clear of Obstructions.
  • Do not overload Power Points.
  • Do not run extension cords where they could become a tripping hazard.

Members should ensure that they have a safe path of exit. If working alone it is a good idea to let other members know of your presence at the Shed.

Members MUST wear appropriate PPE when using machinery, welding or cutting of Timber, Metals or other goods.

15 mins before the end of Open hours all members must clean & tidy Workshop Area

Public Safety

Members are reminded when performing work around the Shed, it is important that members consider not only their own personal safety, but also that of other members, or visitors that maybe nearby.

Non-inducted members should either be properly protected within the Shed & MUST be accompanied by a suitably qualified or competent member who has been inducted, or they will be excluded from the Shed.

Whenever work is undertaken, such as the Garden area necessary barricading must be erected to ensure that any perceived danger is managed.

Noise Exposure

Members are reminded that exposure to continuous loud & moderately loud noise can temporarily or permanently deafen you.

Simple precautions can prevent exposure & hearing loss. These include:-

  • Always wear earmuffs or ear plugs if you believe there is ANY danger of hearing impairment.
  • Obey warning signs to keep away from noisy operations. Take regular breaks when working with or around noisy plant & equipment.

Manual Handling

Manual handling includes repetitive tasks such as typing, packing, cleaning, sorting, using hand tools & operating plant & equipment.

Lifting, Lowering, carrying, pulling, holding or restraining can bring about manual handling related injuries, these constitute the most common cause of workplace injury.

Simple precautions to prevent these injuries may include: –

  • Generally, an Adult male should not lift lower, carry any object more than 16kgs without mechanical or other assistance.
  • Implementing control measures to reduce risks of repetitive manual handling.
  • When lifting, plan the lift, get help or use mechanical measures. Always follow correct manual handling techniques.

Working with Tools

Members are reminded that using hand tools does not require any sort of qualification, they can be dangerous if misused or faulty.

Simple precautions can prevent injuries, these might include:-

  • Be aware of hazards such as nip/shear points, vibration, noise, electrical, manual handling or overuse injury.
  • Read operators manual or receive training BEFORE using a new tool.
  • Use the correct tool, designed for its purpose & handle it correctly.
  • Power tools must be checked, maintained, tested & tagged by qualified persons at regular intervals.
  • Machinery whether fixed or mobile can cause cuts, crushing, amputation & electrocution if not used safely.
  • Always read the machines Safe operating instructions before use.
  • Wear appropriate PPE, before using tools & equipment.
  • All operators are required to hold the required certification or license where necessary, to meet regulatory or shed requirements.
  • Report any damage or faults immediately.

The liability for use of the tools provided by members or visitors other than the Shed shall not impose any liability on the SHED, responsibility for their use shall remain with owner at all times. The person in charge is to be advised prior to their use.

Storage of Tools

All tools operating under the care of the SHED shall be identified & registered as certified for use by competent persons.

Simple precautions that can prevent injuries or mishaps include: –

  • Approval for use of any personally owned tools shall be given by the Person in Charge of the SHED & no liability for their use shall be admitted to by the SHED.
  • Hand tools shall not be left unattended on workbenches or areas beyond the period necessary for the task being undertaken & be returned to their storage facility at the end of each day or on completion of use, whichever is the earlier.
  • All “Sharpened” tools should have their cutting faces protected reasonably to reduce risk of contact injury. Care, storage & handling of these tools will be paramount by all members of the SHED.
  • Where tools are sized, they shall be in the matching sized space provided.
  • Power tools shall be used accordance with instructions provided.
  • Chuck keys will be kept with each Electric drill to which it is sized.

Hazardous Substances

Members are not to bring Hazardous substances to the SHED without prior approval from the Management Group.

To get approval, permission to use, or prevent injuries & mishaps you may: –

  • Get approval from the Management Group.
  • An MSDS & SWMS must be provided.
  • Don’t use Hazardous Substances that have the potential to affect your health without proper training & PPE.
  • Read the relevant MSDS & Container label before use.
  • A register of Hazardous Substances & MSDS’s will be maintained for this purpose.
  • Read instructions about ventilation & the necessary PPE to be used.
  • Store Hazardous Substances securely & properly in accordance with the MSDS & SWMS.
  • Dispose of any container & product in accordance with the MSDS.
  • All substances, whether hazardous or not have appropriate labels on the container.

Waste Disposal

Waste must be disposed of correctly & into appropriate containers.

Scrap & waste material must be removed as soon as possible from work areas.  Do not dispose of Construction & Chemical waste in Baw Baw Shire bins.

Personal Protective Equipment

Members are required to provide their own PPE when working with equipment in the Woodwork or Metalwork areas. Each area has its own unique hazards.

Types of PPE items are

  • Metal/Woodworking area
  • Safety Glasses.
  • Hearing Protection
  • Appropriate covered footwear.
  • Welding Shield.
  • Safety Gloves
  • Long sleeve tops & Trousers to protect you from Sparks
  • Garden Area
  • Safety Gloves
  • Covered footwear
  • Sun Hat
  • Sun Screen